Pekka Kana 2 is a free 2D Platformer made in 2003 by Piste Gamez. In which you play as a rooster named Pekka who adventures through Finland to rescue his friends from a crow named “The Evil One” and his army of hypnotised animals. Yes really, that’s the plot, and It’s my favourite game.
Now you may be thinking, “2003? Does it even work on modern computers???” But wait, we have technology (and the delicious spaghetti source code) So we have a new version made by the community for modern computers as well as one for android phones!
Pekka Kana 2 comes with two level packs, referred to as “Episodes” Doom style (although I don’t know who coined the term) However, you’re not limited to just those two. There is all sorts of player-made content for this game, and it’s easily made. Little kids made this stuff back in the day, so if you like the game, I highly suggest trying it out with our also modern tools.
On this page I have a bunch of stuff I’ve made for this game as well as some other miscellaneous things.